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Sunday, January 20, 2013

80’s movies I forgot to watch the first time around month Post #6

Babette’s Feast

Why haven’t I seen it before?
It certainly got good reviews when it came out. It was also studied quite often (at least the Isak Dinesen short story) at the college library where I worked. It became one of those “I’ll see it eventually movies” that I never got around to seeing.

After viewing: This is a film that starts very slowly. It is about as far to the opposite side of the adrenaline scale from an Indiana Jones movie as you could possibly get and I did have a little trouble getting into the story intially. But I think if the viewer reamins patient, and waits for the servings to come out, Babette's Feast really does beat the hell out of the standard Hollywood burgers and fries.

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