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Great On Screen Couples: Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My first couple that I will talk about is the amazing pair of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon. The stars made eight films. And in seven of them, they played a married couple. Always portraying their characters with grace, dignity and good manners. Now out of the eight films they made, I'm sorry to say that I have only seen two of them: Mrs. Miniver and Julia Misbehaves. The other six films they made together are Blossoms in the Dust (1941, their first); Madame Curie (1943); Mrs. Parkington (1944); That Forsythe Woman (1949); The Miniver Story (1950); and Scandal at Scourie (1953).

I love Mrs. Miniver and think it's one of the best films ever made. So I am anxious to see their other films. Julia Misbehaves was pretty good as it was nice seeing the couple in a rare comedy. While onscreen, the pair showed great natural chemistry. I remember watching Mrs. Miniver for the first time many years ago and just enjoyed how they interacted with each so easily and fluidly. It was like watching a great dance team perform unbelievable dance routines. Greer and Walter was about as great a screen couple there was. Right up there with Bogie/Bacall, Gable/Harlow; Tracy/ Hepburn and others.

Eight films over a span of 12 years was an impressive run by this pair. Check out some stats about their history.

Madame Curie was Walter Pidgeon's favorite of his eight films with Greer.

Greer usually wore perfumes chosen to put her in the mood for different types of scenes. Pidgeon gave them his own pet names, like "give him a chance" and "Show him no mercy".

Blossoms in the Dust brought Greer the first of five consecutive Best Actress nominations, tying Bette Davis record (1938-1942) which still stands to this day. Greer would win a Best Actress Oscar for Mrs. Miniver.

Walter was nominated two consecutive years for Best Actor with Mrs. Miniver (1942) and Madame Curie (1943).

That Forsyte Woman (1949) was the only film the pair play an unmarried couple. Greer's character was married to Errol Flynn in that film.

Here is a video clip of Greer meeting Walter for the very first time on screen
in Blossoms in the Dust:

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