Earlier this week I've informed you that E! is planning their new scripted series THE ROYALS in which Liz Hurley will play the queen of a fictional England, and now we have the prince too! NARNIA's star William Moseley will play her son, Prince Liam, the younger brother to the beloved Prince Robert. When Robert is killed in a military training accident, Liam is thrust into a spotlight. Sexy, charming and smart, he’s in love with a young American woman, Ophelia, who helps him cope with the loss of his brother and his new position as the next King of England. Liam bristles at the strict rules, which govern the monarchy: being told what to say, where to go and how to it. At the root of it all, Liam has lived in Robert’s shadow and worries that he is not a credible successor. The show will be a modern version of HAMLET dealing with power, wealth and desire. TARSEM'S 'SELFLESS' SF MOVIE

One of the faces that have been in focus this summer due to the success of UNDER THE DOME show, Natalie Martinez, has just earned herself a movie role: according to 'Deadline' she will join Tarsem Sing's (IMMORTALS, MIRROR MIRROR) science fiction action SELFLESS as wife of Ryan Reynolds who leads the cast in the tale of a terminally ill billionaire who undergoes an experimental procedure to transfer his consciousness into the body of a younger man, only to be hunted by the killers who murdered his host. Matthew Goode and Ben Kingsley are also in the cast.
A new trailer has been released for one of the big movie awards contenders AUGUST OSAGE COUNTRY which opens in November in USA. Starring Meryl Streep as a hard 
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