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Best Film Editing: 1950s

Friday, February 15, 2013

1950: Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa)
Oscar winner: King Solomon's Mines (Ralph E. Winters and Conrad A. Nervig)
Was this nominated?: No

1951: Decision Before Dawn (Dorothy Spencer)
Oscar winner: A Place in the Sun (William Hornbeck)
Was this nominated?: Yes

1952: Singin' in the Rain (Adrienne Fazan)
Oscar winner: High Noon (Elmo Williams and Harry Gerstad)
Was this nominated?: No

1953: From Here to Eternity (William Lyon)
Oscar winner: From Here to Eternity (William Lyon)

1954: Rear Window (George Tomasini)
Oscar winner: On the Waterfront (Gene Milford)
Was this nominated?: No

1955: The Night of the Hunter (Robert Golden)
Oscar winner: Picnic (Charles Nelson and William A. Lyon)
Was this nominated?: No

1956: Giant (William Hornbeck, Philip W. Anderson and Fred Bohanan)
Oscar winner: Around the World in 80 Days (Gene Ruggiero and Paul Weatherwax)
Was this nominated?: Yes

1957: The Bridge on the River Kwai (Peter Taylor)
Oscar winner: The Bridge on the River Kwai (Peter Taylor)

1958: Vertigo (George Tomasini)
Oscar winner: Gigi (Adrienne Fazan)
Was this nominated?: No

1959: Rio Bravo (Folmar Blangsted)
Oscar winner: Ben-Hur (Ralph E. Winters and John D. Dunning)
Was this nominated?: No

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