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009. ParaNorman

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

009. (12 Jan) ParaNorman (2012, Chris Butler & Sam Fell) 40

Even in its efforts to be progressive, masking one of the leads as a homosexual who looks like half of West Hollywood, ParaNorman misses the mark. The characters are bland and the few who get an actual arc don't get a convincing one. That's what happens when your script is one nonstop chase scene. Nods here and there to Halloween or Night of the Living Dead are more obligatory than clever, as the film tries to pay its due as a watered down horror movie for children. Wreck-It Ralph may have been clumsy with its anti-bullying message, but it wasn't this grating. The characters are hideously designed, but there are some interesting visuals like ominous clouds that announce the arrival of the film's villain.

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