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306. Promised Land

Monday, December 10, 2012

306. (09 Dec) Promised Land (2012, Gus Van Sant) 55

For the entire first act, Promised Land seems honest and earnest enough not to verge into preachy message film territory. Even when Hal Holbrook acts as a mouthpiece for anti-fracking environmentalists, this still doesn't quite feel hokey. But somewhere along the way, the contrivances and conveniences start adding up. From a twist involving John Krasinski to Matt Damon's total blindness to his corporation's evils, these people never seem quite real. Only Frances McDormand gets an arc that is true to life. Ultimately, this is just a flag-waving suggestion that America's just too darn determined to be defeated. (There are genuinely way, way too many American flags at use here.) Still, Gus Van Sant's assured direction, keen eye for composition, and a lovely Danny Elfman score keep this mostly on track.

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