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The Cult-TV Faces of: Lizards

Monday, November 26, 2012

Identified by Dave Colohan: The Gorn from Star Trek: "Arena."

Identified by Dave Colohan: The Lizard from Spider-Man (1967)

Identified by Dave Colohan: "The Sentry" from Kolchak: The Night Stalker.

Identified by Dave Colohan: Lulu from The Land of the Lost.

Identified by Dave Colohan: The Imperious Leader from Battlestar Galactica.

Identified by Dave Colohan: Buck Rogers: "Mark of the Saurian."

Identified by Dave Colohan: Diana (Jane Badler) from V.

Identified by Carl: The Selay of ST: TNG: "Lonely Among Us."


Identified by Carl: Tosk on DS9: "Captive Pursuit."


Identified by Carl: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Reptile Boy."

Identified by woodchuckgod: A Scarran on Farscape.

Identified by Carl: The X-Files: "Alone."

Identified by Carl: Star Trek: Enterprise.

Identified by Dave Colohan: Anna from V (2009).


Identified by Dave Colohan: A Silurian from the new Doctor Who.

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