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Blu-Ray Review: GUYS AND DOLLS

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Written and Directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Starring Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, Jean Simmons and Vivien Blaine

GUYS AND DOLLS is one of those classical Hollywood musicals where people don’t simply walk down the street but rather do so with a pronounced bounce in their step and an exaggerated smile on their face. It requires a certain suspension of disbelief to be even remotely believed and fewer people today have the attention span to do this. For those who do delight in this enchanting style though, Warner Bros. has released a collector’s edition that will surely get them bouncing and smiling in their living rooms.

Based on the Frank Loesser Broadway show, GUYS AND DOLLS was adapted for the screen in 1955 and despite the show’s immense success, the film itself was a bit of a risk. Writer/Director, Joseph L. Mankiewicz had won four Oscars in two years before taking this project on, but he had never directed a musical. And then there is the talent. Marlon Brando was the top box office draw of the day, but he was most certainly an unproven singer. Meanwhile, Frank Sinatra, one of the most notable voices of the century, was passed over for the main role in favor of Brando and was said to have been unhappy in the role he ended up with. Despite all the potential for disaster though, GUYS AND DOLLS not only pulls it off but is a genuine classic.
Brando and Sinatra behind the scenes
The new Blu-ray edition both looks and sounds infinitely better than its previous DVD edition. While the construction of the menus is a little stiff (No “play all” option on the musical numbers? Really?), it is presented in a brilliant digibook, which highlights all of the actors’ and the film’s rich backstory. Said story is reiterated in the numerous short documentaries about the production too. It may be a movie about big gambles and large losses but GUYS AND DOLLS is a sure bet!

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