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Ask JKM a Question #48: The Outer Limits Remake?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reader and commenter Trent writes:

“While horror, by far, is my favorite genre, I do appreciate smart science fiction. I enjoyed 'TNG' and watched it irregularly however my personal favorite was 'The Outer Limits', 1995-2002. You have not acknowledged this series, as far as I can tell, even once, and I am curious as to the reason why.  After all, 'TNG' had 178 episodes & 'TOL' had slightly less at 154, I would think that there would be a substantial amount of material available for review .Your thoughts on this series would be appreciated.”

Great question, Trent. 

I can’t really quibble with your assessment of my writing on the remake series.  I may have mentioned it on the blog once or twice in seven years, but you’re right, there’s been nothing substantive about it here.

In part, I haven’t written about the remade Outer Limits simply because I don’t have a deep familiarity with it. 

I watched it on and off during its first season or two, way back in the 1990s when I was working in a blood bank (don't ask...) but that is the extent of my knowledge.  And I have learned from professional and personal experience it is better for me not to write about productions that I don’t have a very clear memory of, because I am more prone to making mistakes.

From what I saw of the Outer Limits series back in the nineties, I liked it fine, but was disappointed that it didn’t feature the atmospheric camera-work of the original, and that some of the writing was not as strong as that found on the original Leslie Stevens/Joe Stefano anthology.  It may just have been the episodes I saw, because I didn’t watch the series regularly.

I don’t want to over-promise, because I’m already watching Timeslip and have Fringe in my queue at the moment, but I honestly wouldn’t mind re-visiting The Outer Limits. 

That said, I also have an urge to watch Quantum Leap and Sliders.  But on your recommendation, I will definitely re-visit (or more accurately, visit…) The Outer Limits remake.  I see it is available on Netflix, so…I’m on it.

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