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More Oscar News

Monday, October 1, 2012

Your 2013 Oscar host.

10/1 - Seth MacFarlane is hosting the upcoming ceremony. This could help him squeak through with a Best Original Song or Screenplay nod. I don't have as much faith as Julian Stark does though. Press release.

9/18 - Important Dates for the 85th Oscars are announced, with the nominees being revealed earlier on January 10, 2013 and the winners revealed on February 24, 2013. Press release.

9/14 - Documentary Feature entries have already been submitted. Press release.

9/13 - Don Mischer, who has directed opening ceremonies at the Summer and Winter Olympics and Super Bowl halftime shows (among other things), will be directing the 85th Oscars show. Press release.

9/5 - This year's Honorary Oscars are going to Hal Needham, George Stevens Jr., and D.A. Pennebaker. The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award will be awarded to Jeffrey Katzenberg. Press release.

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