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Monthly Wallpaper - October 2012: Alfred Hitchcock

Monday, October 1, 2012

What better month than October for a salute to Alfred Hitchcock? The cinematic "Master of Suspense" would find it fitting that he is payed homage in a month known for its tricks and treats.

Our latest Movie Dearest Calendar Wallpaper features all of Hitch's classics, from the Oscar-winning Best Picture Rebecca to the current Sight & Sound Poll victor Vertigo, not to mention the terrors of Pyscho, the thrills of North by Northwest, the feathered frights of The Birds and the mystery of Rear Window. Plus, the homoeroticly-charged Rope and Strangers on a Train.

All you have to do is click on the picture above to enlarge it, then simply right click your mouse and select "Set as Background". (You can also save it to your computer and set it up from there if you prefer.) The size is 1024 x 768, but you can modify it if needed in your own photo-editing program.

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