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First Your Film Festival Award Winner

Monday, September 3, 2012

Today the winner was announced and is the entry from Spain. Michael Fassbinder gave the award.

La Culpa (The Guilt), David Victori Blaya, Spain

We know that eventually his new film will be at the festival YouTube channel for us to enjoy.

Congratulations to organizers for a great initiative.


The award winner short.


A few days ago (August 1st) YouTube and Emirates in partnership with Scott Free Productions and the Venice Film Festival announced the ten (10) finalists that will attend the Biennale to compete for a US$500,000 prize towards producing more content with the help from Riddley Scott, Michael Fassbender and a world class crew.

Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender are part of the jury that will select the grand prizewinner after the films are screened at the fest on September 2.

The ten finalists are market in *BLUE. To watch the finalists go here.


If you like to watch short films this is your opportunity to see 50 semi-finalists in this festival where you can vote for your favorite. I just started watching and because the quality of the films decided to invite you all to this festival.

This is a copy of today's press release.

On June 11, YouTube and Emirates, in partnership with La Biennale di Venezia (the Venice Film Festival) and Scott Free, announced the 50 semi-finalists in the Your Film Festival competition - a global search to find the world's best storytellers. Scott Free had the difficult task of narrowing down more than 15,000 submissions from more than 160 countries across the globe. It is now up to the YouTube community to view and vote on the semi-finalists at thus helping decide which 10 filmmakers will attend the Venice Film Festival and compete for the $500,000 grand-prize.

These are the 50 semi-finalist short films.

*88:88, Joey Ciccoline, USA
Aisha's Song, Orlando von Einsiedel, UK
*Bat Eyes, Damien Power, Australia
Befetach Beity (On My Doorstep), Anat Costi, Israel
Bench Seat, Anna Mastro, USA
Biondina, Laura Bispuri, Italy
Boot, Damien Power, Australia
Café Turco (Turkish Coffee), Thiago Luciano, Brazil
Camino Al Cementerio, Mijael Milies and Carla Pastén, Chile
La Carta, Angel Manuel Soto Vazquez, Puerto Rico
*Cine Rincao, Fernando Grostein Andrade& Fernanda Fernandes, Brazil
Cortometraje Teta y Sopa, Alberto Gómez, Spain
*La Culpa (The Guilt), David Victori Blaya, Spain
Das Tub, James Cunningham, New Zealand
The Debt Collector, Alan David Morgan, USA
Dr Grordbort presents: the Deadliest Game, James Cunningham, New Zealand
*The Drought, Kevin Slack, USA
Ebony Society, Tammy Davis, New Zealand
La Guagua (The Child), Sebastian Mantilla, Spain
*El General, Diego Pino Zamora, Bolivia
Fish, Shaun Escayg, USA
Good Pretender, Maziar Lahooti, Australia
I'll Keep an Eye on You, Torben Bech, Denmark
Kiss, Alex Murawski, USA
Learning Spanish the Hard Way, Eric Stolze, USA
Letting Go, Daniel McCauley, South Africa
No Exit, Jesper Isaksen, Denmark
*North Atlantic, Bernardo Nascimento, UK
Перешкода (The Obstacle), Maxim Neafit Bujnicki, Ukraine
Photo For Baba, Harel Yana and Moti Malka, Israel
Picnic, Gerardo Herrero, Spain
El Porvenir- Episodio 1 Hermanos, Manuel Alejandro Anell, Mexico
Reflexiones de un Picaporte (Doorhandle Thoughts), Carlos Crespo Arnold, Spain
The Return Address, Abi Varghese, USA
*Scruples, Adrian Powers, Australia
Secular Quater #3, David Gidali, USA
Skatesistan: To live and skate in Kabul, Orlando von Einsiedel, UK
Skin of Glass, Lukas Dhont, Belgium
Sold, John Irwin, USA
Включи мотор и сдай назад (Start the Engine and reverse), Andrey Zagidullin, Russia
Stop. Watch. Love, Brad Herbert, USA
*Super.Full., Niam Itani, Lebanon
The Telegram Man, James Francis Khehtie, Australia
Tempestade (Storm), Cesar Cabral, Brazil
Ter Ter, David Lucchini & Fabien Carrabin, France
Then and Now, Paul Johannessen, Japan
هذا الزمان *(This Time), Ramy EL-Gabry, Egypt
Vi Ska Plocka Pascal I Natt (Our Mission: Pascal), Johanna Pyykkö, Sweden
Wickate, Niralji Ravishanker, Malaysia
Wylacznosc (An Exclusive), Krzysztof Szot, Poland

There are some directors that have excellent credentials like for example, short being at Cannes 2012 or being Bigas Luna assistant, which I share just to confirm the quality of the shorts. Among the jurors that helped to select the semi-finalist we have Ridley Scott and none other than Michael Fassbender.

To watch shorts please go here and VOTE - you have until July 13th- after all is OUR festival. According to rules, you can vote for 1 short each day, so if you have several favorites, you can vote for them but remember that is only one vote per voting day. Cheers!


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