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Movie Questionnaire

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My entry into Cinemaniac Reviews' blogathon.

1. What’s your favorite movie?
The Apartment

2. Least favorite movie?
Daddy Day Camp

3. Name one movie you loved upon initial viewing but eventually grew to hate (or vice-versa).

Napoleon Dynamite. Love would be a strong word for my initial reaction though.

4. Name your biggest “guilty pleasure” film.

I'd say the Star Wars prequels, but, for something different, I'll go with The Happening.

5. Favorite quote from a favorite actor/actress (must be a line from a movie)?

“I thought all writers drank to excess and beat their wives. You know, one time I think I secretly wanted to be a writer.” –Cary Grant in The Philadelphia Story

6. Favorite quote from a favorite actor/actress (must NOT be a line from a movie)?

“The only thing you owe the public is a good performance.” –Humphrey Bogart

7. Three favorite movie scenes?

“Shut up and deal.” – The Apartment

 “Oh, God, have mercy on us!” – The Seventh Seal

“Oh, C.K. Dexter Haven!” – The Philadelphia Story

8. Four films that should NOT have won Best Picture?

Driving Miss Daisy
Dances with Wolves
Out of Africa
How Green Was My Valley

9. Top five of the year (currently)?

The Dark Knight Rises
Moonrise Kingdom


The Avengers

10. Bottom three of the year (currently)?

Total Recall
Hope Springs

11. What film gets your vote for the worst or most pointless remake?

The Wicker Man.

12. Is there any film you think is actually desperate for a remake?

Penny Serenade or Under the Yum Yum Tree.

13. Name your three favorite film heroes.

Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark
/Temple of Doom/Last Crusade
George Bailey – It's a Wonderful Life
C.C. Baxter – The Apartment

14. Name your three favorite film villains.

Roy Batty – Blade Runner
Tony Wendice – Dial M for Murder

Eve Harrington – All About Eve

15. Best sequel?
Before Sunset.

16. Worst sequel?
Caddyshack II.

17. Best trilogy?

Without a doubt, the Three Colors trilogy. But the Bourne trilogy and Bergman's faith trilogy are not far off.

18. Worst trilogy?

Smokey and the Bandit. The first one is a fun movie, but the next two are awful.

19. What’s your favorite word to use in a movie review (if your film blog does not feature reviews, substitute “review” with “-related post”?)
"Film". If that's too cheeky for you, then probably some derivative of "best" or "perfect", depending on the film.

20. Anything else?

I just discovered two things: (1) James Cagney was awesome, and (2) Rio Bravo is one of the best films I've ever seen.

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