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Cabin in the Woods with Daniel Stephens

Saturday, July 21, 2012

It’s time for some movie fun. It’s a new concept that’s based on the idea of “Dessert Island” and a “Top Ten Films List” combined. Some of my friends from the Twitterverse have been kind enough to take on the challenge of telling us about 5 movies that they would want with them if they were in a Cabin in the Woods under different scenarios. Someone is snowed in while another is confined to the cabin as a toxic gas is leaked around them. Would you want to scare the people you are with or maybe get comfy with your better half with your choice of films? 
Our third contributor is Daniel Stephens, who had to choose his films based on the fact that he might just have to act them out with the following scenario...

“You just hired a Cabin in the Woods on a secluded private island with your gf/wife. Unfortunately, the DVD player is not working. So, the duty to entertain your better half lies on you as you must tell/act out the stories of the 5 films you brought with you. Which films do you wish you had with you?
So we arrived at this cabin in the middle of nowhere. Literally – the middle of nowhere! We had been driving for hours. Off the motorway we went, onto the country roads, then deep into the woods. At one point we arrived at a crossroads hidden within dense oak, ash and lime trees. At its centre was a stone marker no more than three feet high. There was some scribbled writing carved into, but it didn’t make sense to me. The sat nav had been switched off ages ago because a monotonous voice was repeating, “please make a U turn.” So it was left or right. We picked left.

On we drove. We seemed to driving around muddy dirt tracks for hours. I told my wife it was no use – we weren’t going to find the place. So I turned the car around, tried to get back on the main road. I got back to the stone marker at the makeshift crossroads and turned the car in the direction we came.

Or so I thought…

Again, we drove for many miles but we couldn’t get back on the main road. Then, having seemingly been driving in the opposite direction for fifty miles, we arrived back at the crossroads. How? It was impossible. I didn’t know what to do so I took a right remembering last time I went left and suddenly, out of the darkening gloom of a sun-setting sky, there it was – the cabin.

Once inside I discovered the DVD player wasn’t working. Can you believe it..!

To entertain my wife - trying also to distract her from the werewolf scratching at the door, the ghost thumping on the ceiling and the outstretch hands of several undead attempting to unleash themselves from the cellar – I played out with the acting skill of a multi-Razzie award winner, these five great films…

Jaws - Probably not the best film to start with given our predicament. But at least we weren’t going to get attacked by a shark in the middle of the woods. Steven Spielberg’s miraculous blockbuster about a killer shark and the three men sent to destroy it is still as potent today as it was in the seventies. What was the most enjoyable thing about acting it out? Singing “Show Me The Way To Go Home” of course!

Back To The Future - A big favourite in our household. Marty Mcfly’s adventures travelling through time never fail to lift our spirits and carry us on a fabulously fun journey of discovery.

The Breakfast Club - Very much a product of its time, this mid-1980s film defines John Hughes’ high school works with its depiction of a disparate group of teens thrust together in Saturday detention.

Airplane - If we’re acting out films what better one to recreate than Airplane where everyone loves the outlandish humour and the jokes still work when someone without any sense of comic timing has a go at retelling them. One of the most loved comedies ever produced by Hollywood.

Aliens - Okay, we’re in the middle of nowhere and we’re being attacked by a group of nightmarish ghouls unleashed from the pits of hell, but we’re talking about favourite films here. And there are very few films that rank as highly in my estimation as James Cameron’s kinetic action film about superwoman Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver) travelling through space to do battle with a terrifying horde of alien creatures.

Daniel Stephens is the founder and editor of film site Top 10 Films.He spends most of his time day-dreaming about the next top 10 film list amidst frequent strumming on his acoustic guitar as he tries to learn yet another Beatles track.

If you would like to participate and would like me to send you a unique scenario, simply Email Me 

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