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May Movie Round-Up

Friday, June 1, 2012

What am I, everybody else? I loved The Avengers!
Continuing to let my DVR fill up with shows, in May I watched a whole bunch more movies. Here, again, is a list from best to worst. The Avengers was really, really good...I'm not a huge super hero fan but I enjoyed the heck out of that movie. We Bought A Zoo made me want to buy a zoo. Usually I move films from my list of movies I love to list of movies I don't love anymore. Get Over It, a feather weight high school comedy with Kirsten Dunst, was way better that I remember when I saw it in the theatre 10 years ago. The bottom four movies on this list were the pits including the mind numbing dumbness of One For The Money and the pale, slow Blue Crush rip-off Beautiful Wave.

The Avengers (2012)
The Simpsons Movie (2007)
We Bought A Zoo (2011)
Get Over It (2001)
Growing Up Brady (2000)
Lilo & Stitch 2 (2005)
Midnight Madness (1980)
Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)
King Ralph (1991)
Charlotte's Web (1972)
How To Frame A Fig (1971)
Blondie Meets The Boss (1939)
Crash Course (1987)
New Year's Eve (2011)
Pure Luck (1991)
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)
She's Out of Control (1989)
One For The Money (2012)
Beautiful Wave (2011)

May Movie Count: 19
2012 Movie Count: 100

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