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[9.00/10] Prometheus [3D] (2012)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Prometheus [3D] (2012)

Brief review: Scott's most talked-about movie in years, "Prometheus", can be considered a prequel to "Alien" as it's similar in style and has a last-minute connection with it, but it also works as a standalone piece, that deals with a completely different subject about discovering the origin of mankind. Even though "Prometheus" leaves more questions than it provides answers, it's still a constantly intriguing and quietly absorbing sci-fi horror with a taut, thoughtful and intelligent story, that grabs your interest and never lets go. There are some truly intense and frightening moments in it too, with the 'surgery' and 'engineer vs creature' scenes deserving a special mention. Even from the stunning opening sequence you could tell that "Prometheus" will be yet another strikingly-looking movie from Ridley Scott, who once again demonstrates his unique visual style and attention to detail. There's a certain sophistication about his direction, that makes the film gorgeous to look at, but in a subtle sort of way - the set design is imaginative, the cinematography is atmospheric, and the use of 3D is impressive. The cast is absolutely stellar. Noomi Rapace delivers an engaging performance as the clever and daring, yet fragile scientist, Elizabeth, Idris Elba is superb as the spaceship captain, Fassbender is perfectly-cast as the insensible android, and Ms. Theron draws the viewers' attention every time she shows up on screen.

Overall summary: Compelling, expertly-made and visually-stupendous, Ridley Scott's "Alien" prequel-esque "Prometheus" is an out-of-this-world cinematic experience, that lives up to the hype, thanks to the unlimited creativity and remarkable directing skills of its genius creator.

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