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Best Supporting Actress: 1930s

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I almost skipped the 1930s because I have not seen very many supporting performances of note. It was tough to come up with winners from what little I've seen. Of course, I'll come back and edit these once I see more performances from this decade.

1930: Beryl Mercer, All Quiet on the Western Front

1931: Jean Harlow, The Public Enemy

1932: Joan Crawford, Grand Hotel

1933: Ginger Rogers, Gold Diggers of 1933

1934: Myrna Loy, Manhattan Melodrama

1935: Olivia de Havilland, Captain Blood

1936: Myrna Loy, Libeled Lady
Oscar winner: Gale Sondergaard, Anthony Adverse
Was she nominated?: No
1937: Cecil Cunningham, The Awful Truth
Oscar winner: Alice Brady, In Old Chicago
Was she nominated?: No
1938: Fay Bainter, Jezebel
Oscar winner: Fay Bainter, Jezebel
1939: Jean Arthur, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Oscar winner: Hattie McDaniel, Gone with the Wind
Was she nominated?: No

Note: 1936 was the first year of this category at the Oscars.

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