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The Movie Picture Code #21

Friday, February 3, 2012

Congrats to both Jess and Alex for moving up the leader board last week, knocking out the films with the greatest of ease (shhh, just go along with it). Now it's time for us to continue our journey through the world of cinema. Will you uncrack my code or shall I score a win over all? Game on!

Click on the images to enlarge.



Jake - 11
Colin - 9
Sam - 6
John - 5
Kano, Jess - 4
Jason - 3
Alex, Mad Hatter, Will, Yojimbo_5 - 2
Never Too Early MP, Nikhat, Red - 1

Outside the Box:
Jake - 3
Colin, Kano - 2
James, Jason, Liam Underwood, Never Too Early MP, Sam - 1

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