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The Monday Corner 11/21/2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Movies Watched This Past Week:

It's countdown to Turkey Day time. My fellow Americans - I sound so presidential right now, don't ruin this for me - I wonder, what is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

For me, it's homemade rolls. Granted I end up making them half the time but we use my great grandmother's recipe and *drools* delicious!

For Your Consideration:

It's been far too long since I've linked to the LAMB - or partook in any of their events (that's all on me though, no excuses) - and I feel such linkage is well overdue. This week they're calling upon everyone to help in an all out effort to recast Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Be sure you head on over there and vote for your favorite!

The m0vie blog is at it again with this editorial on Classic Directors and Not-so Classic films! I wonder if this is the Francis Ford Coppola' Jack honorable list? If so, I admit, I loved that movie as a kid.

Mike of You Talking to Me? digs in with this mind bender on the role of the "Anti-" (particularly war) movie in film criticism, if a role should exist for it at all. I'm still waiting for Hollywood to make an anti-enchilada movie but they continue to disappoint.

Continuing on the trail of FlixChatter's post last week, Rich of Wide Screen World unveils five movie crushes of his, and one actor he'd go gay for. I thought by default Stephen Fry was the go to actor for people going gay for? After all, you only have to meet him half way.

And for our review of the week we head on over to Between the Seats and their Forgotten Film Noir marathon with this week's installment of 1944's Murder, My Sweet. Don't worry if you haven't heard of the movie - that's kind of the point of his marathon.

Soundtrack of the Week:
Arguably my favorite scene in the history of film. The song Gondola no Uta in the Swing scene of Ikiru!

Enjoy your Monday, Everybody!

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