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In the Land of Blood and Honey Trailer Arrives

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm not sure why but lately moody trailers with emotional subject matter (e.g Tyrannosaur, Like Crazy, etc) really seem to be calling out to me. Yet oddly enough my viewing decisions have mostly consisted of camp, comedy, or action/adventure. A rather stark contrast, which has me wondering if this is the start of my mind going into Oscar film mode. Now I'd hate to think that movies that are a bit humorous, or primarily action/adventure, are far from Oscar contenders, but let's be honest - you want an Oscar, you're going to have to bring out some sentiment of heart. Often times so called "oscar bait" films dive heavy into the world of emotion, dragging us in with them. But unlike many in my age group, I really don't mind that too much.

So, with that in mind I present the first trailer for Angelina Jolie's writing/directing debut - In the Land of Blood and Honey

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