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Coming in May: A One Day Blogathon Celebrating Tyrone Power's 100th Birthday

Friday, March 28, 2014

He rose to movie stardom at the ripe young age of 22 and reigned as an international star for another 22 years, until his sudden death in 1958. During those two-plus decades, Tyrone Power was top-billed in hit films of many genres, from romantic comedy to disaster epic, musical, costume drama, western, adventure, wartime drama, swashbuckler, prestige literary adaptation, biopic, courtroom drama and even film noir. He also managed to serve as a pilot in the Marine Corps during World War II and carve out a stage career for himself after the war. His wedding to his second wife, Linda Christian, in Rome, caused a near-riot. When he collapsed and died, at age 44, while filming a biblical epic in Spain, it was headline news around the world. His private funeral in Hollywood was attended by filmdom's great luminaries and his burial was a mob scene of frenzied fans.

Monday, May 5th marks the 100th anniversary Tyrone Power’s birth, and Patti of They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used To and Patty of Lady Eve's Reel Life will host a blogathon in celebration of his life and career. Power-Mad is a one-day-only event.

Participants are invited to review the actor’s films (one blogger per film, please), post a photo spread or a biographical essay (you might cover his life in general or strictly his movie career, his military service during World War II or his post-war stage career, or...) – basically, feel free to get creative.

If you'd like to participate please send an email to Patty at or Patti at and include your name, your blog's name and web address, and the title/subject of your post.

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