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Best Film Editing: 1940s

Friday, February 8, 2013

1940: His Girl Friday (Gene Havlick)
Oscar winner: North West Mounted Police (Anne Bauchens)
Was this nominated?: No

1941: Citizen Kane (Robert Wise)
Oscar winner: Sergeant York (William Holmes)
Was this nominated?: Yes

1942: The Magnificent Ambersons (Robert Wise)
Oscar winner: The Pride of the Yankees (Daniel Mandell)
Was this nominated?: No

1943: Casablanca (Owen Marks)
Oscar winner: Air Force (George Amy)
Was this nominated?: Yes

1944: Laura (Louis Loeffler)
Oscar winner: Wilson (Barbara McLean)
Was this nominated?: No

1945: Brief Encounter (Jack Harris)
Oscar winner: National Velvet (Robert Kern)
Was this nominated?: No

1946: Notorious (Theron Warth)
Oscar winner: The Best Years of Our Lives (Daniel Mandell)
Was this nominated?: No

1947: Out of the Past (Samuel E. Beetley)
Oscar winner: Body and Soul (Francis D. Lyon and Robert Parrish))
Was this nominated?: No

1948: The Naked City (Paul Weatherwax)
Oscar winner: The Naked City (Paul Weatherwax)

1949: The Set-Up (Roland Gross)
Oscar winner: Champion (Harry W. Gerstad)
Was this nominated?: No

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