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This is England (2006)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Genre: Crime/Drama

Starring: Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Joseph Gilgun, Andrew Shim, Vicky McClure, Jo Hartley, Andrew Ellis

Set in the 1980's in England, a young boy Shaun (Turgoose) gets constantly bullied at school and cannot accept everyone walking all over him. His recently lost his father who was in the army when England went to war with Argentina over the Falklands. Shaun encounters Woody (Gilgun) who is the leader of a skinhead gang and who takes pity on Shaun and sheilds him from anyone who picks on him. Shaun gradually gets inducted into the gang as its youngest member and seems to be enjoying his new life. Combo (Graham) is an old friend of Woody's who has just recently returned from prison and is also a more senior skinhead member. Combo expresses strong English nationalist views and expresses hatred towards other races that have settled in England and taken jobs that belong to the English people. He wants Woody, his skinhead gang and his friends to come support him to fight against immigrants and make England English once more. The movie craftily narrates the slow evolution of a pre-teen boy and his exposure towards the more darker side of life. It showcases the strong racist hatred that some people still hold and the measures that one can go to in the name of nationalism. A very beautiful movie indeed and a recommended watch.

Thumbs up: Graham's good aggressive performance
Thumbs down: Plot could have gone on for another 30 mintues, seemed incomplete

Rating: 7.5/10

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