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Friday, November 30, 2012

It's OK for a guy to watch a Romance/Chick flick/Women's picture month (Film 12 of 12)

Terms of Endearment

It’s OK for a guy to watch a Romance/Chick flick/ Women’s picture if...

Jack Nicholson plays an ex-astronaut. If he ever played a current astronaut, I guess that would be acceptable as well.

We hope you have enjoyed It’s OK for a guy to watch a Romance/Chick flick/ Women’s picture month. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to shoot an animal before consuming it, drink a beverage with an extremely high alcohol content, fix a mechanical maintance problem on my Harley Davidson, watch all the Die Hard movies in succession because, why? Because I am a man! I am Spartacus!...Spartacus? Yes, that's it! Forget Die Hard. It's Stanley Kubrick movies next month.

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