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Template Trouble

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hi everyone,

Well, I changed to a different blog layout template earlier in the week, and I really liked it.  It was smooth, clean and streamlined.  

But I began receiving feedback from loyal readers that they couldn't access the site; that the blogger gears just keep grinding, and the page never loads.

My most important concern is that people be able to access the site, so I've returned to a simpler blog layout for now, rather than the "dynamic view" approach I had adopted.  

I'm still not certain what the problem is. 

Unfortunately, I updated the blog template on the very week that views exceeded 10,000 a day, every week-day.  So I can't tell if the slower loading time is a result of the dynamic view template, or the fact that readership has gone through the roof of late.  

I hope you can all read this. If anyone has any thoughts about how to proceed, please share them in the comments.  I am not a tech guy, but I'm doing my best to make sure the blog is accessible.

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