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Just a note

Sunday, October 28, 2012

As I said, I'm very busy at the moment, but I'll most definitely go on with 1979 on Tuesday at least. But I'm announcing a second project I'll do simultaneously. As you see, Fritz is updating his reviews and I decided to do the same, but not with all the years and performances. I might change a few places in the rankings (I'll give a note whenever that happens) and I'm going to rewatch and change some reviews as well, particularly in years that I did at the beginning. The reason is simple: this whole thing started off as an experiment and I feel I learned so many things since that I simply get a bit embarassed if I see my old rankings and reviews. This might cost my previous winners their respective #1 places and some might improve a lot. :)

The years to be reevaluated: 1940, 1948, 1973, 1974, 1998, 2009

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