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Ask JKM a Question #42: Fringe

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A reader, Brian, writes:

“As best as I can tell from your site, it looks to me that you haven't written about Fringesince Fall of 2008. If that's true, is that because you gave up on the show, or is that because you just didn't feel like writing about it any longer? I ask simply because I watched the show early on and frankly was not very impressed, but I gave it another chance a bit later on in its run, and I could not be happier that I did.

If you have continued to write about the show, and I missed it, I apologize. If you continue to watch it and don't feel like writing about it, or simply don't like it, that's fine as well. But if you gave up on it early in its run, I think you owe it to yourself to give it another chance. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, they took your advice and spent an awful lot of time concentrating on the relationship between Walter and Peter Bishop, which you suggested in your earlier pieces.

Thanks for your time, and again, thanks for the great blog and books.”

Brian, thank you for your kind words about my blog and books.  I also appreciate your question, and actually you are not the first person to ask me here about Fringe. 

In correspondences both public and private, several Fringe fans have asked me to take a second look at the series.  When this many people (good-naturedly) ask me to take a second look at something, I weigh the feedback very heavily.

You’re also correct in your belief that I haven’t reviewed specific episodes since 2008.  The reason I stopped originally is because I found the series extremely formulaic, and something of an X-Files rip-off.

That established, I have  indeed decided it is time to give Fringeanother  shot (the way I gave Vampire Diaries a second go recently), and see if I can power through the weak first season episodes and get to the good stuff that a number of fans have now mentioned and identified.

In fact, I’m going to make a multi-seasonFringe purchase on today.  So hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, there’s Fringe-centric cult-tv flashback in the offing here…

Don’t forget to ask me a question at

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