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Ask JKM a Question #40: Science Fiction Film Survey Books?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A regular reader named Trent writes:

“Hey I was in Barnes  and Nobles the other day and I bought a book called 'Horror Film: Creating and Marketing Fear by Steffen Hantke'. That book was an impulse buy for me, but my purpose was to purchase a book on science fiction films for a nephew. I was disappointed by the material. I then started thinking how it would be cool if there was a book similar to your Horror Films series. And hence my question:

"Will there ever be a 'Science Fiction Films of the Decade' series of books? It would seem like a natural endeavor considering your genre expertise."

Trent, there seems to be a gathering consensus from the readership of this blog that a “Science Fiction Films of” is a natural for me. 

I’m persuaded.  It’s a subject I love, and I enjoy creating these history/survey books.  I’ve been looking for an excuse to return to the that might be a good starting place.

So long story short: Science Fiction Films of the 1970s is in the works right now, and I hope to have it available some time in 2013 (before next Christmas, preferably).

I’ll keep you updated on my progress, but to answer your question, I’d like to write several decades worth of these books, and keep pace with my horror surveys. 

It’s just a matter of how fast I type, and how many movies I can see…

Don’t forget to ask me your questions at

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