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254. The Sessions

Sunday, October 28, 2012

254. (27 Oct) The Sessions (2012, Ben Lewin)* 69

John Hawkes and Helen Hunt offer two of the performances of the year with The Sessions, a film that captures the power and poignancy of intimacy better than just about any other. Their scenes together are funny, poignant and astoundingly moving. Both excel even when they're not sharing screentime, but they work so well together it's transportive and career-defining.

The film itself is powerful throughout. Ben Lewin's script is clever enough, but it's in moments like where he visually explores the ecstasy of an orgasm that it's clear he's a director first. There are issues with the peripheral characters here, who are mostly stock or comic relief. They make Hawkes and Hunt's scenes together even easier to relish.

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