If you're a movie blogger there is a good chance you are aware of The Large Association of Movie Bloggers aka The LAMB. If you are not, well then you should be.
As any cinephile would know, awards are the lifeline of all movies. We might hate them, love them, like them, despise them, adore them, dream them, but we simply cannot live without them. In fact, be honest, you already have your Oscar speech ready, don't you?
So, the wonderful people at The LAMB have the Lammys every year to acknowledge the bloggers who work day and night and some afternoons as well to bring to you different film related posts and events.
The film blogging community is a helpful group of people who not only support each other but in the time of need I know will even come out and help a little old' Indian boy win a award or two for his efforts in film blogging... Cough... Ahem!!
Seriously though, this is my first time participating in the Lammys and I'm excited about it. So, if you are a member of The LAMB (and if you have a film blog you should be) then please thing about me when you nominate bloggers in the following categories;
The Best Blog- Alright, it's a long shot, but a shot nevertheless. My blog is full of a number of features and I've always tried to incorporate fellow bloggers and friends into it along with reviewing movies. I've also always tried to do different sort of reviews from time to time, just to break the routine and bring about a change for the readers.
The Best Community Builder/Networking - If you are on twitter, and you should be, then I sure do hope you are aware of #MTOS (Movie Talk on Sunday) which is an initiative I co-founded with a friend of mine and we have been growing and going strong for the past year. Its sole purpose has been to build upon the film blogging community and I'm happy to say we have been somewhat successful in our endeavors.
The Most Prolific- So, I might not be a regular poster on my blog, which I run individually, but I do have four blogs with each one taking some time. So between my travel, photography, personal, and film blog it does mean I sacrifice on a number of things, but then it's something I truly enjoy and plan to continue for as long as possible.
The Best New Lamb- ummm... a sum of all of the above might be a reason to nominate me for this one.
Whether you nominate me or not, I would however like to thank you if you have ever visited my blog and especially if you have ever commented on it. My blogging experience has been great over the last year and a half and seeing the traffic increase has been a real boost, so THANK YOU!
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