In the last 18 years Audiard has made only 5 films and I have seen only one, a number that I hope to improve ASAP; so it's not easy to have clear expectations especially because four of his previous films are male-centered and this one is female-centered. Nevertheless I expect raw violence and what I call a "very French" movie with outstanding visuals, great storytelling style and superb actors' performances; but most of all, I know I have to get an intense emotional voyage that will take me and shake me up and down.
Film synopsis is distressing.
Ali suddenly finds himself in charge of Sam, his 5 years old son that he barely knows. Penniless and without friends, he leaves the north of France to seek shelter at his sister’s in Antibes. Even though she and her husband do not have much money, they make a room for them in their garage and take care of Sam. Ali finds work as a bouncer at a local nightclub. After diffusing a fight one evening, he meets Stephanie a beautiful, self-confident woman. He takes her home and leaves her his number. But she is a princess and he is a poor fellow.
Stephanie is a killer whale trainer at the local Marineland. After a terrible accident one day, Ali gets an unexpected phone call from Stephanie. When he sees her again she is crammed into a wheelchair. She has lost both her legs and her dreams. Ali will share genuine moments with her, without pity, and help her to live again
Outstanding visuals (trailer) plus the intense emotional voyage is more than suggested when Audiard and Thomas Bidegain talk about the movie, here is an excerpt.
Dès le début de notre travail d’adaptation, nous nous sommes tournés vers une forme cinématographique que faute de mieux nous appelions « expressionniste », où la force des images viendrait servir le mélodrame. Une esthétique tranchée, brutale et contrastée. Celle de la Grande Dépression, celle des films de foire, où l’extraordinaire étrangeté des propositions visuelles sublime la noirceur du réel. Celle d’un monde où « Dieu vomit les tièdes ».
There are high probabilities that my expectation will be met and even surpassed. A few film stills from the many available to show beauty and violence.

Audiard in Cannes
With only five films, this is his sixth, there is no surprise to find that his first film Regarde les hommes tomber (See How They Fall) was screened at 1994 Cannes at a parallel section; two years later in 1996 comes back with Un héros très discret (A Self-Made Hero) this time in competition for the Palme d'Or and winner of the fest Best Screenplay. Is in 2009 when he returns with outstanding Un Prophète (A Prophet) also in competition and winner of the Grand Prix.
Buzz claims that Audiard is THE frontrunner for this year top winner as he has to get the Palme that was "robbed" from him in 2009. I don't agree with the "robbed" part (Haneke won) but with his credentials and from the little I'm willing to see and read about this movie I don't doubt that this is the film to beat. Still is the jury and no one else who will decide, but from what I know from jurors I tend to think that this could be a film most will be pleased with.
Also don't doubt that Marion Cotillard has to be a strong contender for the fest Best Actress award and won't be surprised if she gets it.
I read and watched more videos than I usually do to write this, which some of you recall that I don't like to do as I love to be surprised by great films, especially by French films, so I hope that after all that I learned I can still be intensively surprised. Obviously is a Must Be Seen movie for me and one that I strongly recommend to those that enjoy French cinema, a recommendation that comes even before watching film. If you haven't seen A Prophet, I suggest you watch it ASAP as will blow your mind and body.
Film Specs
Directed by Jacques Audiard
Written by Jacques Audiard and Thomas Bidegain
Starring: Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Bouli Lanners, Céline Sallette
Language: French
Nationality: Majority French (France and Belgium)
Runtime: 1h 55m
Production Year: 2011
End Notes
De Rouille et d’Os at Cannes site go here. There are 4 videos that I refuse to watch, enough with trailer.
Audiard in Cannes go here.
Why Not productions go here.
Ucg distribution go here.
Unifrance go here.
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